I want a nose like yours Mommy

Mommy why is my nose fat? I want a nose like yours.

You have a cute nose.

No it’s not. I want my nose like yours

But you have papa’s nose and it’s a lovely nose

I still want a smaller nose like yours.

Ay hija you are beautiful and we love you very much.

When I grow up maybe I can make it smaller

Why? Because I want to look like the pretty girls in my school.

I bet they wish they had curly hair like you.

Maybe but they can change that in the beauty parlor. I have seen them do that.

But you don’t have to. You are beautiful hija, when you get older you will see.

In essence that was how I felt when I was a young girl living in the South Bronx. But no matter, I still have my chubby nose and I would not change a thing. Thank you Mommy and Pappy.

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